Happy New YOU 2018!


Let me explain that book cover in just a bit.

Since 2013, I have a little personal ritual that I indulge in during the passage of the old year into the new one. Seeing the success it has brought me, makes me want to share it with you.

The first time I sat myself down to do this; was on the sandy beaches in Goa, the wind blowing in my face and the aroma of freshly fried prawns tickling my nose.

The following years saw me do the same (minus the prawns), in Prague, Mirissa (Sri Lanka), Embach (Austria) and this year, soon in Hamburg. No, the ritual is not travelling; but that sure helps.

Prior to 2013, all the resolutions I made went out of the window in a few weeks. Come February and I was back to my old disgruntled self; shoveling tons of junk food down my throat and putting off my exercise to tomorrow.

Then I discovered a way to keep myself on track and  have fun doing so. I can honestly say I look forward to a happy new me every turn of the year.

Here are my two-cents on resolution-sense:

1.       Review

I begin by reviewing my last year and all that went down- good, bad and ugly. I have learned not to be hard on myself and just profit from all experiences- desirable and not-so-desirable.

2.       Choose

Pick 5 Goals.  When I began, I had as many as 50 goals. It doesn’t take a genius to guess how many I achieved and how fast I got frustrated. Keep it realistic and keep it simple. Now I pick 5. Yes, you probably have way more at the tip of your fingers. Prioritize. Pick what’s most important to you. Let the 5 goals be both from your personal and professional lives.

3.       Write

No matter how fantastic your memory is, written resolutions always carry more weight than when they’re just in your head. Also, you need to get yourself back to reading what you wrote. (See now how 5 is better than 50?) Preferably everyday; but also in March, September and everywhere in between.

4.       Do

As simple or complicated as that sounds. Just do. And do everyday. What works best for me is to use the first hour after I wake up, investing in Robin Sharma’s 20/20/20 rule– exercise, plan, learn.  Consistency is key.

So, coming back to the picture at the top- I do not literally wish I were a unicorn. That’s the cover of my 2018 Planner. The caption resonates with me because I choose to believe in my dreams and I see how they come true. (Now you understand why I don’t wish I were a unicorn. That would also come true!)

If you need inspiration for your resolutions and are sick of the usual- eat healthier, exercise more, earn better rigmarole; check here. This blog post from ted.com gives creative and fun ideas that I’m certain will strike a chord with you. (Like become pen pals with someone in prison).

Planning 2017: on the sandy shores of Mirissa, Sri Lanka

This new years eve, unlike the one’s before will be a quiet one for me. It has largely to do with the fact that I’m very pregnant and ready to pop soon; but also with the desire for more than just festivity and a hefty hangover the next day.

We started the eve with a workshop at our yoga studio called Gratitude and New Beginnings. Besides leading us through a fun, intense yoga sequence, the teachers focused on an element I find tremendously beneficial: being thankful.

I call it “Attitude of Gratitude.” I list 3 things everyday that I am thankful for. Sometimes it’s as simple as the crisp sound of leaves crunching under my boots or as deep as the refelctions of Paul Coelho on life and gratitude.

PS- for those of you who live in Hamburg, do check out this studio- Peace out Yoga. They are fantastic!

Now as my exhausted hubby takes his “5-minute” shut-eye break ; I furiously type out what has been on my mind since the last few days.

We will soon cheer in the new year with our favourite dishes and some sparkling wine. Also on the agenda is the funny German tradition of dunking hot lead into cold water and reading your fortune for the coming year.

Tomorrow we will drive to the seaside and do what we’ve come to love- Review, Choose, Write and Do.

Here’s wishing you and yours, not just a happy new year; but a happy new YOU!


Planning 2016: Snowy inspiration in Embach Austria




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